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The Hobbit Pen & Bookmark Thorin

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The Hobbit Pen & Bookmark Thorin Noble Collection
The Hobbit Pen & Bookmark Thorin Noble CollectionThe Hobbit Pen & Bookmark Thorin Noble CollectionThe Hobbit Pen & Bookmark Thorin Noble Collection
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Manufacturer:Noble Collection
Price with VAT: 7,53 €
VAT:21 %
Availability:Sold Out
Téma: Hobbit, The
Typ produktu: Stationery
Thorin Oakenshield Key Pen and Bookmark set is a reproduction of the magical key that can be used only once a year to enter the lair of Smaug deep under Mt. Erebor. The pen measures approx. 17 cm and the stunning lenticular bookmark features a 3D image of the Thorin Oakenshield.

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