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Ankh: Bohové Egypta

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Ankh: Bohové Egypta Cool Mini Or Not
Ankh: Bohové Egypta Cool Mini Or NotAnkh: Bohové Egypta Cool Mini Or NotAnkh: Bohové Egypta Cool Mini Or NotAnkh: Bohové Egypta Cool Mini Or NotAnkh: Bohové Egypta Cool Mini Or NotAnkh: Bohové Egypta Cool Mini Or Not
Přidat do oblíbených
Manufacturer:Cool Mini Or Not
Price with VAT: 98,41 €
VAT:21 %
Availability:In stock

Take on the role of one of the legendary Egyptian gods. Each of them has a unique ability that changes the game. Lead your followers in an epic conflict for immortality.
Shape Egypt to your will, build monuments, gain followers, unlock Ankh abilities, and command legendary Guardians for your fight. Both strength and wit are needed in the war for the piety of the people. That's the only way you'll rule the realm and crush the other gods. With the shifting sands of time, those who fall behind merge into one god or fall into oblivion. At the end, only one Egyptian god can remain!
Package contents:

  • 80 plastic figures (5 gods, 30 warriors, 15 Guardians, 30 camels) o 20 plastic bases o 5 plastic
  • of Ankh Tokens o 1 Plastic Gem o 1 Game Plan o 2 Main Boards o 10 God Boards o 46 Cards o 197 Tokens
  • o 4 indicator stands o 1 Czech game rules o 1 book of scenarios

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